Reset New Counter to 100 on October 22nd 2005
Millville Memorial High School Class of 1961
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Please note: This site was conceived solely for the use of MHS class of 1961 classmates, any commercial use is strictly forbidden.
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Updates; Scroll down to read
Adding Abbreviattion GBNF, (Gone But Not Forgotten)
Note: (Last known address) or (Address needed) indicates that we don't have your current address.
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Note: If the picture has a red or blue border,
clicking on it will e-mail them. E-mail address additions and
changes to
If a picture does not load, right click on it and select "Show Picture".
If your picture is a (Bacon Jr.High Picture), and you have a photo taken in 1961, email or send a copy to
Classmates Gone But Not Forgotton
Classmates Gone But Not Forgotton - Not in our yearbook using Bacon School photos
Become a reunion committee helper.
Email with address changes for yourself or any
MHS Class of 1961 Classmate.
This will be a big help for us in contacting our fellow classmates with reunion correspondence.